Saturday, March 6, 2010
In this time of global warming and climate change, humanity is waking up to the fact that our planet is dying with the continuous abuse and pillaging of its riches and resources. All over the planet, changes are happening at a rapid pace that scientists can only attribute to human excess and exploitation. In the polar ice caps, ancient glaciers and icebergs that have been around for thousands of years are slowly melting away, resulting in sea levels rising around the world. Natural calamities and disasters are becoming more and more frequent with death tolls rising with each catastrophe. No country or continent is safe: in the Americas, hurricanes and typhoons are occurring at an alarming rate. Asia is being deluged with floods and tsunamis. Australias temperature is steadily rising over the years with the worst heat waves ever recorded occurring in a single month.

There are three culprits mainly responsible for the demise of Mother Nature that scientists have pinpointed: energy consumption, atmosphere emissions and surprisingly, industrial farming. In these three critical points the world hinges on in its survival and we humans as a race must find solutions for the current crisis or face oblivion. Since Earth is our only planet that can support life, we need to get this right. We only get one shot in this experiment.

There are things we could do though: There are no passengers on spaceship Earth, one Marshall McLuhan says. We are all crew. To put it simply, we all have the responsibility of fixing the damage to our only planet. Many will say that I am just one in an ocean of people, what can I possibly do to make a difference? Well to answer that, we could start at home. Let us start reducing our energy consumption and reduce electric bills in the process too. Power saving products like green energy light bulbs can be installed in the house to reduce your carbon footprint. Just the simple power saver light bulbs will surely make a difference if every one else does the same. Imagine every home employing power save products: 6 billion people, I think, can indeed make a difference!

The answer still lies in each and every one of us. No technology is strong enough to counter the monumental mountain that is the physical needs of 6 billion people. In the end, we can blame no one but ourselves if the tide of climate change becomes irreversible. Can you imagine an exodus happening? With the technology that we currently have, we have failed to find a planet that we can live in, much less travel to that planet. If we do find that second home, can you even bear leaving Earth? Let us save ourselves from this sad ending. Help prevent climate change now. The clock is ticking and it will wait for none.

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